Greenfield Partners - Strategy

Greenfield’s mandate for real estate investment is broad, spanning: direct investment; restructuring of financial obligations; development, redevelopment and repurposing; and repositioning assets.

Across this field of opportunity, the firm’s investment style stands out by these traits:

Knowing where the rocks are:

sourcing proprietary transactions through strong local alliances, nurtured over two decades

Spotting diamonds in the rough:

uncovering niche opportunities often ignored by others – investments that are fundamentally sound but overlooked because of temporary capital dislocations or perceived complexity

Being properly aligned:

investing side by side with investor partners

Protecting the balance sheet:

focusing on intelligent management of real estate risk as a path to resilient performance,

not the assumption of excess financial risk

Mastering the details:

tireless, thorough analysis and due diligence prior to investing

Staying nimble:

investing across property types and vertically within the capital stack, and consistently re-assess our strategies to maximize positive outcomes

Being honest, transparent, and accountable in all we do

with constancy, yet flexibility; and single-minded focus, yet openness to opportunity, Greenfield continues to successfully navigate the often risky investment waters. Further rewards await.